Join us for the kick-off of our There Is More 2 week experience featuring Ed Piorek & our first Saturate event of the year.

Come encounter the love of the Father, baptisms, worship, healings, deliverance and more! 

It only takes one moment in God's presence for everything to change. There is more, come and see...

We offer some of the world’s most practical and easily transferable training in Ministry leadership, Discipleship and Evangelism. From church members & volunteers, to pastors & staff members of large ministry organizations around the world, we equip Christians with tools that transform everyday hearers of God’s word into extraordinarily effective doers of His work.

We have a mandate from heaven to equip local churches to reach the cities and regions that they are located in. Furthermore, it is our passion to help churches awaken to see that they are surrounded by the mission field.

Saturate Well Events are catalytic partnerships specifically designed help churches launch a sustainable revival within their community. Churches will be activated to labor in the harvest fields and see the lost come to know Jesus through Consistent Prayer, Holy Spirt Lead Evangelism and Intentional discipleship.


We exist to create a space for people to experience the tangible presence of God and the fullness of His love and power.



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“If you need healing or a miracle, are skeptical about Christianity, want to be set free from cycles of bondage or are hungry to hear gospel-based preaching, come…”

The stories we tell

We are in revival across America. This is a place where you can find stories from revival, testimonies, podcasts, videos and more.