The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.
This land is a hub for prayer, revival and ongoing baptisms. We are on the precipice of great transformation and great trial for God’s church and we are all in for revival and awakening. This land will double as both the training ground for revival and prayer for the nation and a harvest field.
Phase 1 will include:
7+ acres of land
Land Cleared + Prepared
1,000 person Revival Tent
Bathrooms + Showers
5 Glamping Tents for Rent
Prayer house
We need to raise 1.5 million dollars for phase 1 of the Revival Land.
Historically, these opportunities are few. Will you partner with us to see souls saved, people healed, and churches empowered to burn with revival fire. Donate below, and let’s build a place that we can invite others to experience Heaven and have real revival!
If not now, then when?
Thousands baptized…
From baptisms in the Pacific Ocean of Southern California, to fields in Pennsylvania, Kentucky and North Carolina, we believe that NOW is the time to go all-in and awaken America.
We have risked, sold everything, moved, and been shutdown by police as we set apart space for people to hear the Gospel, repent, be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. Our team is now settled in North Carolina, and have been hosting Weekly Revival Nights.
We have received several prophetic words about urgency to purchase several acres of land to host ongoing revival, unify the church and equip the Saints to be sent as missionaries to America. Will you pray and partner with us to create a place set aside for Revival in America and whatever God would ask us to do? We believe that this will be one of many spaces established as a beachhead for the Kingdom of God. We are thankful for your "yes."
Ways to Invest Land for Revival
Give Online
We are asking for people to pray and sow generously to make this vision a reality.
You can set up a one-time gift or reoccurring giving here.
Mail a Check
Saturate Global
Memo: Land
P.O.Box 1266
Hampstead, NC 28443